Short Story Marketing

Educational Consultant Platform

Our GPT for IECs:
Your Marketing Secret Weapon!

Our IEC GPT app uses a version of ChatGPT that has been pretrained on IEC topics.

This page tries to help you boost your visibility on Google, by aligning your webpage or blog post text with the search terms your ideal prospects are using, and then providing the information that they are seeking.

Our IEC-trained GPT tool will

Important: As with other GPT AI tools, our GPT model's understanding of the world is based on what it has found online. Sometimes, things found on the Internet can be wrong. (We know! We were shocked too!) Thus it's essential for you to edit the draft to apply your own experience, knowledge, and common sense when using these results.

Each time you submit a query, the AI model does a new search and generates new results, even with identical input. So if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!